Friday, November 7, 2008

Starbucks M&M cookie


professor treat said...

this is definitely a treat. this is the baseline treat by which all other treats are judged. any treat better than this is a luxury treat. worse than this and it is not a treat. the fact that this treat is overpriced adds to its status as a guilty pleasure. this treat is best when the center is soft. if it is crumbly and dry it is a bummer and barely a treat.

professor treat said...

full disclosure: i was addicted to this treat for about 3 years. I had one a day during the period of 2002 - 2005. while not a great treat it is a good every day treat that feels fairly fancy but is reliable and steady.

professor treat said...

the genius behind this treat is that it is a sugar cookie with m&ms in it. it is not a banal chocolate chip cookie.