Saturday, November 8, 2008

Quaker Oats Chocolate Chip Granola Bar


professor treat said...

Don't be fooled. This is NOT A TREAT. It is neither food nor treat. In a pinch, it dissatisfies on both levels. It is so lame of them to put their shitty chocolate chips in these things. Just do a regular healthy granola bar...don't try to make a treat out of it. The wrapper is ugly and it feels chintzy when opened as it peels away in small strips.

professor treat said...

full disclosure: sure i eat these things but only when either starving or totally bored. They are not enough to be food and no where near acceptable as treats. I have one every 2-3 months. It is always an accident. this is the type of crap that is engineered to fool kids into eating supposedly healthy stuff. what a joke.

Anonymous said...

you are an asshole. i love these and you can't convince me otherwise. ASSHOLE!

professor treat said...

Asshole is an appropriate term for this post since these things look and feel like logs of shit.